Wow! I picked up the paper today and saw that a long overlooked composition by Kris Kristofferson, "Why Me Lord", arranged as a duet between Johnny Cash AND Ray Charles from 1981 has been located and will be released to the general public soon. I got the warm-fuzzies as I read the article. I don't often get the warm-fuzzies, because I'm usually too busy talking to allow anything to interrupt.
I talk far too much for my own good, and, if not for a gentle word now and again from my wife, would blather on forever in gatherings; not allowing anyone else to join in the conversation.
I say things that are a bit "off color" and reveal what I have been asked not to repeat in public.
I am "on" from the moment I get up till my head hits the pillow. And sometimes even while asleep I can disrupt Rose.
This is not a George bash. Just fact.
The one person I can count on to forgive my transgressions, even ahead of my loving wife and family, is Jesus.
I don't talk about my spiritual life very often; except with the people I consider friends, and if you have read this far, then you must share some friendship with me.
I have been kept from harming myself and others for almost 68 years on this earth by Jesus' grace and protection. There were times when, in a younger body and thinking (or not) with a younger mind, I could have left this mortal coil, as the Bard would say, in a spectacular ball of flame and explosive roar of twisted metal.
Or, more likely, with a pathetic whimper.
But he kept me around for a reason, one of them being to write songs for His glory.
There are many good gospel singers, musicians and songwriters out there too numerous to list, including Michael W. Smith, Marty Hagen, among others.
Occasionally, artists from the popular music world will cross over, as is the case with Kristofferson and his perfect song of love and repentance.
He poignantly sings/talks in that gruff voice and asks the question; "....... what have a ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I've know?" Its a powerful plea to heaven asking for help to do then things that need to be done to repay our Savior for His death on the cross for all of us.
Youtube has a great clip of "The Man In Black" himself doing the song (in this case just his acoustic guitar and humble voice) and another of Kristofferson, which I think is just as powerful. But the idea of Cash singing with Brother Ray soulfully backing him is something I will look forward to hearing.
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